The 878-II v2.05 community codeplug is now available at IO groups and in files on the website
Website: Scroll through the codeplugs to the 878-II directory.
CAVIAT: this codeplug has an anomaly that I can not resolve, so test it provisionally. Local 1 shows: POTA when TX’ing. Metro 2 shows: DWSwitch when TX’ing. These 2 are TX’ing correctly on Local and Metro 2 perfectly well. They only display incorrectly on the radios display.
I don’t know yet why. In looking at the CPS in a RAM Hex editor, I see POTA in 3 locations in RAM, 1 all upper case and 2 upper/lower but none are in the area of talkgroups. Local 1 and Metro 2 show in that area as expected. DVSwitch does not show in RAM at all.
So consider this a provisional release. Anyone with any insight or other tools or more experience than I, please attach and report. Comment below or Email Or hop on the air and try me on Cascades 1. Mike, NO7RF
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