Talkgroup Picker Renamed

As part of user feedback, we have renamed the Talkgroup Picker page to Repeater Talkgroup Viewer. This change more accurately reflects the overall function provided.

Views: 262


Hello from KG7HQ (3153639), I have been an active radio enthusiast since the late 1960's starting out as a Short Wave Listener (SWL) using an old Knight receiver and a SAVA Automatic VW155. Since then. I have expanded my horizons into the many different facets of amateur radio and the broader radio communications hobby. Here in the Pacific Northwest, I have assumed the roles and responsibilities of Assistant Director, Technical Specialist and a Volunteer Examiner, Nothwestern Division, ARRL. I enjoy operating CW, SSB, FM, AM and Digital Mode technologies on the bands from 33cm through 80 Mtrs both base and mobile. With having a solid background in RF propagation and digital communications, I enjoy assisting others with their station setups. This station is powered by open source software. In addition to operating, I also assist with RFI/EMI complaints and/or problems. Whether we are tracing down powerline noise or assisting with complaints of interference, I try to render assistance toward a resolution. I also volunteer my technical background to help support local and regional ARRL activities by administering and maintaining both the ARRL Northwestern Division, Western Washington Section, and the PNWDigital DMR pages. These pages are based on the Word Press CMS technologies allowing for agile approaches to communications with members and the broader amateur radio community.