Cotre C006D – Starter Codeplug Available

I have uploaded a Starter-Sampler codeplug for the 6D as it is still $31 on Amazon and a decent DMR radio at this price point. The starter codeplug is enabled for UHF and VHF but if you want to use VHF, you will need to get a deep-reach dual band antenna for effective use.

This will make a decent spare, go-bag, glovebox, demo, giveaway or throwaway radio. New DMR users are strongly encouraged to get an Anytone as your primary or first radio for the best possible and fair evaluation of DMR operation, benefits and features.

You should read the Cootie Review first before considering this handheld and DO NOT Buy the 1D or 4D (non-display versions)!

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Mike - NO7RF

Contact Jenny at 867-5309 or her assistant Mike on Cascades

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. I’m using one of these 06D models as my ‘drag around the back 40’ radio so I don’t trash my Anytone HT. The transmit audio is quite good and the problem with it not having digital monitoring (aka Promiscuous mode) has a work around. I’ve programmed 2 channels for each repeater or mmdvm hotspot frequency, one on each time-slot, with the “receive list” that includes all of the talkgroups. I then make a scan list that includes these 2 channels (named something like ‘Rex scan’, or ‘Baldi scan’) and select the appropriate scan list for each channel for that repeater. Or, you could dedicate a channel for monitoring, doing the same as above. Then when you click the function button that you’ve programmed for Scan the radio just scans 2 channels to give you a pretty close approximation of monitoring all of the talk groups. Of course you could pare down the TG list in the Receive list if there are ones you don’t ever want to hear from. This description will make sense if you’re in the COS for this radio.

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