UPDATE: Anytone 878-II v2.05 Codeplug Available

The 878-II v2.05 community codeplug is now available at IO groups and in files on the website

NOT YET AVAILABLE HERE: IO Groups: https://dmr.groups.io/g/PNW-CPS-Programming-Codeplugs/files/Codeplugs/Anytone/1-Anytone-Community/878-II

Website: https://pnwdigital.net/files/ Scroll through the codeplugs to the 878-II directory.

CAVIAT: this codeplug has an anomaly that I can not resolve, so test it provisionally. Local 1 shows: POTA when TX’ing. Metro 2 shows: DWSwitch when TX’ing. These 2 are TX’ing correctly on Local and Metro 2 perfectly well. They only display incorrectly on the radios display.

I don’t know yet why. In looking at the CPS in a RAM Hex editor, I see POTA in 3 locations in RAM, 1 all upper case and 2 upper/lower but none are in the area of talkgroups. Local 1 and Metro 2 show in that area as expected. DVSwitch does not show in RAM at all.

So consider this a provisional release. Anyone with any insight or other tools or more experience than I, please attach and report. Comment below or Email tech@pnwdigital.net Or hop on the air and try me on Cascades 1. Mike, NO7RF

Views: 469

Mike - NO7RF

Contact Jenny at 867-5309 or her assistant Mike on Cascades