
Bridgewatch, created by Ben K7DMG, also uses the same piping options as Callwatch. Additionally, Bridgewatch will allow selection of repeaters to further specify showing only valid talkgroups. One click will…

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Callwatch shows the traffic across PNWDigital's 4 primary c-Bridges. Top table show the active talker information Lower table shows the call history, 900-1500 calls in the history generally Both tables show…

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PeerWatch shows you the repeaters currently connected to each c-Bridge. The network activity is also displayed using red and green coloring. Yellow may occasionally be seen if a repeater has…

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A hotspot is a low-power (10-20 milliwatt) digital voice repeater and gateway that enables you to connect to our PNWDigital netork (or others). We have 10 MMVDM servers which have…

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What is an Mmdvm? MMDVM means: Multi Mode Digital Voice Modem. That is to say, it's your Internet gateway to a particular digital network of hams, in our case the PNWDigital…

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A Talkgroup (TG) is simply a name or label that describes a specific voice call over DMR. Also known as a "group call" in the Anytone radios, the TG is…

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A codeplug (old school term) is the programming file that contains all the radio settings, repeater information, talk groups, contacts, and other easy to mess-up stuff, all which works together…

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