MMDVM Passwords and Servers Updates

This is a major pre-announcement; our effort to develop a more robust MMDVM server authentication system. This work has been in development for better than a year, off and on as time was available. It involved a number of people to envision, concept, collaborate, develop, implement and test. All work is volunteer, unpaid and as always required everyone to split their time due to work, family, illness and other lesser tugs on time available.

This new service will be released officially during the Not-a-Net Gathering Wednesday July 13, 2022. All the details as well as the changes, terms, restrictions and how to get your new PW will be discussed during the Gathering and likely in tech session and zoom. So please join us Wednesday evening.

Very briefly, the requirements are being a member of PNWDigital, use your 7 digit RID and new password, Comply with our ToS and MMDVM ToU. A password will be issued to you for each of your RID’s upon a single request. There will be a short migration period. Any unauthorized users who violated our ToS will have their access restored without further question or inquiry, our clean slate approach for past issues. This system is robust and enables extensive management of your access. We sincerely hope this will eliminate the old style of secret UDP ports and a single common password adn the sharing that it allowed. Hundreds of hours have been invested just to keep a lid our a few or our members sharing the credentials.

The authentication system has been running in beta for several months on 1 server and over those months, the rest of the servers were updated and tested. The last 2 servers were updated today and tested.

We have added 2 more MMDVM servers recently, Otto, a redundant Oregon 1-slot server similar to what we have done for Bridget, Suzy and Wes in the past. We also have a new 2-slot server known as Demi. Demi is a cousin to Rexx but not a redundant server.

Views: 402

Mike - NO7RF

Contact Jenny at 867-5309 or her assistant Mike on Cascades

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Dave - W7NCX

    Current status: 48%

    Wednesday 2200 update – getting close to 50% of the active users with the new password updated. Here’s the updated list of all who are ready to go.

    AA7BG Bruce
    AC7RX Greg
    AF7UX Derek
    AG7NA Gerry A
    K7LFP Lee
    K7LRM Len
    K7MHM Michael
    K7PA Ron
    K7ZPJ Bruce A
    K9BDC Brooks
    KA7EMS Geoffrey R
    KB1ISI Peter A
    KB7APU Loren
    KB7FD George H
    KB7RSV Scott L
    KB7ZEN Robert A
    KC7AAD Rod
    KC7BKH Bradley K
    KC7NQC Shelly
    KC7UJO Christopher
    KD7AAT John P
    KE7WNB John
    KF4UCE Lou
    KG7EPN Robert
    KG7HQ Michael A
    KG7UAE Don
    KI7AWK Marke S
    KI7JD Martin
    KI7SI Mark G
    KI7VDT Mark
    KJ7BNF Paul C
    KJ7IRL Aiden
    KJ7PRS Bryan
    KJ7TBW Bill
    KJ7TSC Daniel S
    KJ7ZND Tyler
    KK7GOE Lindsey
    KN6GSG Barry D
    N3HAK Michael
    N5GB G Bruce
    N7BUK David O
    N7DUD Will
    N7EKB Ed
    N7FDU Samuel
    N7GWK Bill
    N7KLT Dale W
    N7LOL Scott D
    N7QME James B
    N7RDE Ron
    N7WCD William C
    N7XRD Steven A
    N9VW Steve
    ND7P Don
    NO7RF Mike
    NX7O Benton
    VE7CQT Doug
    W1KGK Kevin G
    W4MHI Mihai
    W4OPA Larry
    W7GRH Butch
    W7HLO Dale C
    W7MN W Jeremie
    W7NCX David
    W7OBI Mike
    W7PEZ Paul
    W7TCT Tom
    W9SK Stephen
    WA7BFN Rollin A
    WB7AWL Albert D
    WT0F Gerard P
    WW7CH Casey

    Tomorrow evening (Thursday), I will host support on between 1830 and 2000. If you’re having issues, stop by, or call on PNWR 31771.

    We will be turning off legacy passwords soon. Please update your hotspots.


  2. Dave - W7NCX

    Tuesday 2200 update and possible solution:

    Current stats 43%

    When selecting your preferred MM server, please be sure to select one that has HB_US_PNW as a prefix. Plain PNW is the older ones, with the older passwords, and apparently, they don’t always get removed from the drop down list. This also could be the issue with Pi-Star V3.x. So, if you’ve run the script, and you’re not on the list below, please check the server in Configuration. Please join us tomorrow night for the gathering on PNWR at 1900, and afterwards.


    AA7BG Bruce
    AC7RX Greg
    AF7UX Derek
    AG7NA Gerry A
    K7LFP Lee
    K7LRM Len
    K7MHM Michael
    K7PA Ron
    K7ZPJ Bruce A
    KA7EMS Geoffrey R
    KB7APU Loren
    KB7FD George H
    KB7RSV Scott L
    KB7ZEN Robert A
    KC7AAD Rod
    KC7NQC Shelly
    KD7AAT John P
    KF4UCE Lou
    KG7EPN Robert
    KG7HQ Michael A
    KI7AWK Marke S
    KI7JD Martin
    KI7SI Mark G
    KI7VDT Mark
    KJ7IRL Aiden
    KJ7PRS Bryan
    KJ7TSC Daniel S
    KJ7ZND Tyler
    KK7GOE Lindsey
    KN6GSG Barry D
    N3HAK Michael
    N5GB G Bruce
    N7BUK David O
    N7DUD Will
    N7EKB Ed
    N7FDU Samuel
    N7GWK Bill
    N7KLT Dale W
    N7LOL Scott D
    N7RDE Ron
    N7WCD William C
    N7XRD Steven A
    N9VW Steve
    ND7P Don
    NO7RF Mike
    NX7O Benton
    VE7CQT Doug
    W1KGK Kevin G
    W4MHI Mihai
    W4OPA Larry
    W7GRH Butch
    W7HLO Dale C
    W7MN W Jeremie
    W7NCX David
    W7OBI Mike
    W7PEZ Paul
    W7TCT Tom
    W9SK Stephen
    WA7BFN Rollin A
    WB7AWL Albert D
    WT0F Gerard P
    WW7CH Casey

    1. Dave - W7NCX

      Current status: 37%

      As of 2200 Monday 7/18, here’s an updated list. Thanks to the following who have successfully switched to their new password:

      AF7UX Derek
      AG7NA Gerry A
      K7LFP Lee
      K7LRM Len
      K7PA Ron
      K7ZPJ Bruce A
      KA7EMS Geoffrey R
      KB7APU Loren
      KB7RSV Scott L
      KB7ZEN Robert A
      KC7AAD Rod
      KC7NQC Shelly
      KD7AAT John P
      KF4UCE Lou
      KG7EPN Robert
      KG7HQ Michael A
      KI7AWK Marke S
      KI7JD Martin
      KI7SI Mark G
      KI7VDT Mark
      KJ7IRL Aiden
      KJ7TSC Daniel S
      KJ7ZND Tyler
      KK7GOE Lindsey
      KN6GSG Barry D
      N3HAK Michael
      N5GB G Bruce
      N7DUD Will
      N7EKB Ed
      N7FDU Samuel
      N7GWK Bill
      N7KLT Dale W
      N7LOL Scott D
      N7RDE Ron
      N7WCD William C
      N7XRD Steven A
      N9VW Steve
      ND7P Don
      NO7RF Mike
      VE7CQT Doug
      W1KGK Kevin G
      W4OPA Larry
      W7GRH Butch
      W7HLO Dale C
      W7MN W Jeremie
      W7NCX David
      W7OBI Mike
      W7PEZ Paul
      W7TCT Tom
      W9SK Stephen
      WA7BFN Rollin A
      WT0F Gerard P
      WW7CH Casey

      If your callsign is not on this list, and you currently have MMDVM access, please act now to ensure uninterrupted access to the PNW Servers. If you have received your “MMDVM Approval” email, great, please update. If you haven’t, and you are primarily based in our service area (PNW), request (or re-request) your account. Read all about it at

      I will have “office” hours Tuesday and Thursday evening to assist anyone with technical issues. Call me on PNWR 31771, or visit between 1830-2000 and we will work out any technical issues in getting this to work.

      Please update your system, so we can complete this project and start the next.


  3. Dave - W7NCX

    Current status: 23%

    As of Sunday 1000, here’s a list of 30 people who have completed the update successfully:

    AF7UX Derek
    K7LFP Lee
    K7PA Ron
    K7ZPJ Bruce A
    KA7EMS Geoffrey R
    KB7RSV Scott L
    KB7ZEN Robert A
    KC7AAD Rod
    KC7NQC Shelly
    KD7AAT John P
    KG7HQ Michael A
    KI7JD Martin
    KN6GSG Barry D
    N3HAK Michael
    N5GB G Bruce
    N7DUD Will
    N7EKB Ed
    N7GWK Bill
    N7KLT Dale W
    N7RDE Ron
    N7WCD William C
    N7XRD Steven A
    N9VW Steve
    ND7P Don
    NO7RF Mike
    VE7CQT Doug
    W7HLO Dale C
    W7NCX David
    W7TCT Tom
    WT0F Gerard P

    That leaves 96 people who have recently connected, but have not updated. This math is slightly different than the 114 Mike mentioned, as a few more people have logged in since then.

    There are a few people who have reported that they have completed the process, but I don’t see them connecting with the new password. If your callsign/name is not on the list above, here’s a few things to look at.

    1) Did your email have an unique password in it, something that’s not a slightly altered version of the word “password”? If not, let us know, and we can resend a corrected version.

    2) Are you running a current version of Pi-Star? One user mentioned that he was unable to get the script to work with Pi-Star V3. I think it should be ok, but if you’re running an older version, and willing to update it to V4, please do so. If not, contact us, and I’ll try to look at why it’s not working properly.

    3) Have you reconnected to PNW? The PNW servers are at the bottom of the list, with an HB-US-PNW- prefix.

    4) Were you prompted for a password when running the script? The script should ask you for your new password. As noted above, this would be different from a variation of the word “password”.

    5) Have you received an email? Emails were sent out to the members that we saw connected to the MM servers, and who have previously been approved. If you haven’t received an email, resubmit a request, and it will be reviewed promptly.

    6) If it’s none of these, please try reapplying the script and looking for any of the issues above. Afterwards, click on the Pi-Star update button, and once it’s done, reboot your hotspot.

    I will be mostly available today for working through any issues.

  4. Mike - NO7RF

    We have a list of the most recent 114 MMDVM logins. We are beginning to send out Emails to those hams first. Once that is done will may essentially just press the remaining hams to get their news PW’s by going to the MMDVD server request Webform. There are about 500 MMDVM users out there so, if you don’t wish to wait or if you are locked out when the migration period ends, request them at any time by going to (MEMBERS ONLY:

  5. Mike - NO7RF

    The new password service is now active. PNWDigital is send out an Email to registered users eventually. But you may also speed up the information by using the MMDVM Server Request Webform and make your own request, same as you have down in the past. Remember, you must be a member of PNWDigital to be able to use our MMDVM servers.

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