Codeplugs Update

Steve N9VW has joined the codeplugs maintenance team and will be updating the 578-I and 878-I starter and community codeplugs. Steve released the anytone 578-I, v1.18 Starter codeplug today.

Our community codeplugs are updated from the ACB overnight files, so they will include all the latest repeater zones as well as the latest digital contacts and typically is based on the latest published CPS.

The codeplugs, once updated, are written to the radio with the matching firmware and checked for proper operation. Then that codeplug is read back out of the radio and saved as the published codeplug. These extra steps help insure that our published codeplugs are valid and ready for our Anytone users.

This process takes us a bit of time to do and as with most volunteer efforts done as time permits.

Our codeplusgs are published at: The files in the IO groups are stale and historical at this time.

We are also evaluating the RT Systems programmer for use in maintenance/updating of our codeplugs. More on that as we have more time with the products.

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