6-1-22: At about 0845 Wednesday morning, the c-Bridge or VM went down…ticket is in, no ETA at the moment…more to follow
Views: 462
6-1-22: At about 0845 Wednesday morning, the c-Bridge or VM went down…ticket is in, no ETA at the moment…more to follow
Views: 462
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6-3-22 @ 1300: RESTORED!!! The c-Bridge is back; new VM and fresh installation. // All MM servers should be working but we now need to move 3 servers back to D (Demi, Bridget-East, Suzy-East and Wes) // We suggest you use Rexx or Otis until we get those moved back). // We are now testing and stressing the box to insure functionality. But looking very well now. // All Oregon repeaters are now back on PNW-D including the Tri-Cities repeaters.
6-3-22 @ 1021: GOOD NEWS! The folks at the data center (a ham) agreed to spin up a new VM on different hardware and move our 44 net IP to that server. Could happen this morning. Then we set up the server, install the c-Bridge and restore from a back-up configuration file. Amazing service really, local outfit provides our services and provides our Internet at the Tri-Cites repeater site also!!!
So we could have Oregon and the rest of the MMDVM servers back online this afternoon potentially. Might be pie in the sky but certainly by tonight, in time for most of the SEA-PAC action.
Potential of late today for the return of the PNW-D c-Bridge. Hardware was ordered and might arrive today but more likely to be tomorrow.
This affects most Oregon repeaters, Tri-Cities and most MMDVM servers. We have moved 5 servers over to PNW (A) and are operating them there. They are: Demi, Bridget-East, Suzy-East and Wes
Please use Callwatch to determine if you are making it to the network as about half of our MMDVM servers are still isolated.
UPDATE @ 1700: Heard back that the VM is corrupted likely in the boot record. Should be repaired tonight (my guess) and we ill reinstall the OS, software and restore from a back-up configuration file. So by tomorrow AM PNW-D should be back in service (my timeline so what do I know for certain?)