EmComm 1 and 2 Reserved Mar 1 to Mar 3

Correction: Friday, March 1, 2024 through Sunday, March 3, 2024 are the correct dates Emergency Management Group-Washington (emgwa.org) by way of Frank Sebastian/K7FNS is supporting the Special Olympics Winter Games…

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c-Bridge – Network Call Flow

The c-Bridge is a DMR call routing platform that directs calls to the appropriate destinations. This functions as a point to multi-point router or similar to VLAN Trunking. PNWDigital currently…

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c-Bridge – Our Networking Device

The c-Bridge is a DMR call routing platform that directs calls to the appropriate destinations be they a different repeater on the same c-Bridge or between other c-Bridges. This functions…

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Talkgroup Appearances

Ever wonder where our talkgroups show up on all the network assets? 2 new pages can now show you the relateships, a listing or a map. You can now select…

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Master Control Talkgroup (MCT)

Master Control Talkgroups (MCTs) are special non-voice talkgroups on the PNWDigital network that enable you to turn off or turn on all other networked talkgroups on the PNWDigital repeater on which you…

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What is a Networked Talkgroup (TG)?

Networked talkgroups are any TG's that are passed through the c-Bridge controller from one repeater to another. Almost all TG's on PNWDigital are networked, including those from other c-Bridges or…

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