Gold Mtn Repeater Removed
The Gold Mountain Repeater was removed today from the site. This was part of the DNR's efforts to clean up their sites and larger effort to extract additional revenue from…
The Gold Mountain Repeater was removed today from the site. This was part of the DNR's efforts to clean up their sites and larger effort to extract additional revenue from…
Larry W7LRR has recommended PCH Cables and asked that we post it for the benefit of the larger PNWDigital membership. PCH Cables, Inc. is a retail store in Hillsboro, Oregon that…
Many nets are available on PNWDigital. See the Events page for a list of Nets, activities or milestone anniversaries. You may also click on a date on the calendar to…
PNWDigital's Anytone settings have a few differences that must be changed if you elect not to use our Starter or Stock codeplugs. These settings are not addressed when using ACB…
Just before T-Day and a long weekend, we will be launching this website to a small set of members who have shown interest in PNWD and activity OTA and in…
The Ariel repeater was knocked off the air on 9-30-21 due to an excavator crippling a guy wire and pulling the tower down. The feedline and antenna were destroyed. We…
It was installed and came on the network last night. this has been a 2 year project and it finally has come to be!
As part of user feedback, we have renamed the Talkgroup Picker page to Repeater Talkgroup Viewer. This change more accurately reflects the overall function provided.