PNWD will have a DMR repeater in town and a presentation on Saturday at Noon in the large Riverside A room.
Several of the PNW team are arriving early on Thursday and are staying until Monday.
- Just Added: MMDVM 2-Slot Hotspot Repeater will be on the floor.
- On the Hillsboro repeater pair; 440.8125 +5Mhz, CC 1, same TG deck
- Hungryy?…nice page for about everything edible in Seaside: https://www.seasideor.com/eat/
- DMR Presentation; by N7ER Brad, Saturday, Noon in the Riverside A large room (confirmed)
- Switched to U3 for DMR Simplex (446.075) as the primary off repeater comm channel
- New Cathlamet repeater has best coverage while traveling to or from Seaside
- DMR Repeater Onsite: N7LF is deploying a networked DMR repeater by Friday using the Mt Hood pair (444.1500+)
Comm Details for 2024
- National DMR Digital Simplex – Primary: (U3): 446.075, Timeslot 1, TG ID 99, is our local DMR comm when off-repeater
- Valley Camp FM Simplex: 446.525 (carrier squelch and late addition to this section)
- DMR Networked Repeater: 444.1500 +5MHz CC1
- This is the Mt Hood pair which is in the community codeplug as well as ACB files.
- Talk-around or Direct is also available if you wish to monitor traffic also
- The Comm Truck will be in the Convention Center parking lot day time hours
- Before and after CC hours it will be 1 mile away on a 6 dB stick at 20 feet up
- Heatmap – Coastal Coverage // Heatmap – HT in Town Coverage
- Repeater service in Seaside is complements of Joel N7LF, a principal part of the I-84 Group.
- Before and after CC hours it will be 1 mile away on a 6 dB stick at 20 feet up
- Full HT coverage is expected inside the convention center building.
- NOTE: Metro 2 is now Local repeater only at SeaPac so that Local 1 and Metro 2 are available solely for local event use only, no network traffic to busy the talkgroups
- But FT are Wash 1, Oregon 1 and PNW Regional, so you might hear traffic if digital monitoring is active in your radio, but set with 10 minute HO timers
- SEAPAC Only Callwatch /// Callwatch (PNW-A)
- NOTE: Metro 2 is now Local repeater only at SeaPac so that Local 1 and Metro 2 are available solely for local event use only, no network traffic to busy the talkgroups
- Talk-in and, on-site and Talk-out is on Talkgroup PNWR (31771 on TS2).
- This talkgroup is on fulltime on most PNWDigital repeaters in the Pacific Northwest
- Also available on Brandmeister, talkgroup ID: 31771.
- Everyone not attending is encouraged to get on the air and hail those DMR folks at Seaside Oregon.
Repeater Talk Group Deck (updated for 2024)
Audio Test 2 | 9999 | 2 | P2/0 |
BC 1 | 3027 | 1 | P15/3 |
California 1 | 3106 | 1 | P5/3 |
Cascades 1 | 3191 | 1 | P15/3m |
I-84 2 | 31419 | 2 | P60/10 (longer PTT and HO than normal) |
Idaho 1 | 3116 | 1 | P15/3 |
Local 1 | 3181 | 1 | FT/10 (longer HO than normal) Secondary in Town |
Metro 2 | 3166 | 2 | FT/10 (longer HO than normal) Primary in Town |
Montana 2 | 3130 | 2 | P15/3 |
Oregon 1 | 3141 | 1 | FT/3 |
Parrot 1 | 9998 | 1 | P1/0 |
PNW 1 | 3187 | 1 | FT/3 |
PNW 2 | 103187 | 2 | FT/3 |
PNW Regional 2 (PNWR) | 31771 | 2 | FT/3 (with BM connectivity) Primary Talk-in/Talk-out |
TAC 1-2 | 8951 | 2 | P5/3 |
TAC 2-2 | 8952 | 2 | P15/3 |
TAC 3 | 8953 | 2 | P15/5 |
Utah 2 | 3149 | P15/3 | |
Washington 1 | 3153 | 1 | FT/3 |
Washington 2 | 103153 | 2 | P15/3 |
Repeater Coverage Maps for 2024

Expected coverage outside of SEA-PAC hours when Comm Truck is off-site and on the 20 foot high omni Antenna
Click on heatmap for larger display
If you are interested in learning more about DMR, stop by the WA7HAA table in the Flea Market. Steve will be flying a beacon and PNWDigital sign. This tends to be a collection point for PNWDigital members.
You can also attend the PNWDigital DMR seminar at Noon on Saturday in the Riverside A room. The presenter will be Brad, N7ER, who if flying in from Florida for the event.

What happened at SEA-PAC 2022

Tripthi, K7TPT
I live in Portland, Oregon. I’m 13 years old. I started ham radio with a Technician license in August 2020. I got my General in August 2021.
K7KVT was the person who got me interested in ham radio, and helped me get my license.
I use an Anytone 878 radio and I recently built a hotspot using a Raspberry Pi Zero.
My interests other than ham radio are:
- Reading
- Chemistry
- Fixing things that are broken
- Biking
- Sushi 🙂
- Baking
Call Signs seen on the local DMR Repeater (24 local users total)
- AA1AO – Ardi – Dayton OR 3141236
- AA7CL – James – Merlin OR 3185660
- K6BRR – Dana – Packwood WA 3153087$$$
- K7NUP – Steve – Pasco WA 3153390m
- K7PIA – Phil – Buckley WA 3110506m
- K7TPT – Tripthi – Portland OR 3173203
- K7VKT – Venkat – Hillsboro OR 3170191$
- K9ID – Ronald – Buffalo Grove IL 3117903
- KA7IUG – Corrine – Gresham OR 3141062
- KC7AAD – Rod – Spokane WA 3153034$amrv
- KH7FR – Toby – Battle Ground WA 3115125
- KJ7JXM – Robert – Lake Stevens WA 3155845m
- KK7AOM – Richard – Puyallup WA 3185181
- N6UOW – David – Brookings OR 3169001
- N6UUU – Rebecca – Brookings OR 3180767
- N7EE – Keith – Gresham OR 3144331
- N7ISP – Adam – Post Falls ID 3116032
- N7LF – Joel – Corbett OR 3141018$$mr
- N7NKT – Michael – Stanfield OR 3179381
- W7NCX – Dave – Vancouver WA 3153888$amrtv
- WA7HAA – Steve – Portland OR 3141268$mr
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Sparse attendance it appears…was busier when the doors opened this morning. This snapshot taken at 1330 local. I heard there were about 35 tables. This after a 3 year Covid-19 hiatus.
First Published: May 29, 2022 Last Updated: 8 months ago by Mike – NO7RF
Views: 827