The UHF repeater is back on network. VHF is intermittent at this time
DNR granted a bit of reprieve for this site to April for some cash last year. So this site is still in jeopardy as DNR wants $5,000 to $15,000 per year and the city is not going to pay such an outrageous rent payment just for the land.
This site has been in service for 40 plus years with it’s own building, own tower, own back-up generator and own Internet. DNR has ZERO to due with this site but for the land on which our installation sits. Through some “mistake” an attorney “willed” over these assets 2 years ago that have been in the city’s domain without any word to the city, hams or others. When DNR “discovered” this gift, they increased the costs 50 fold, just because it sits on their land.
The unfairness of DNR is without parallel and so short-sited. This is gobbermont run amuck!!!
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