An imperfect analogy:
- The c-Bridge is a router, IPSC connection is a VLAN trunk, Talk Group is a VLAN on that trunk, at least in the sense that the packet is tagged with a VLAN-ID/Talk Group ID.
- Each Manager is a vSwitch that acts more like a hub.
- Each Manager has one arbitrarily defined master member, and the rest of the members are peers.
- The master simply publishes the peer list.
- Every member is responsible for sending copies of every packet to every other member on the Manager, the Manager does not repeat anything.
- The c-Bridge is only in the audio path for calls that route between multiple Managers.
- The repeaters connect to the vSwitch Manager, and their own programming configures “VLAN interfaces” for each Talk Group.
- Repeaters and their Talk Group line-up…as well as multiple repeaters on a single IPSC network as based very wide-ranging ideas, needs, planning, purpose and ownership of 1 or more repeaters.
- So LOCAL is dumb and not managed, while calls into the c-Bridge are fully managed and routed.
- Location of the repeaters plays into which Talk Groups are available and their PTT/FT and timer settings.
First Published: January 9, 2022 Last Updated: 3 years ago by Mike – NO7RF
Views: 232