Net: Weekly Gathering may move to PNWR 2

Under discussion and likely to happen by February 2nd, the change will enable wider exposure and make it more simple to connect to or follow this net and tech session each week.

The Gathering has been on Washington 2 for years. WA 2 is not widely available outside of PNWDigital repeaters and MMDVM server,

PNW Regional 2 (TGID: 31771) is our Brandmeister talkgroup created for our use and support. This change to PNWR 2 will enable Brandmeister users access without the need to switch to Peter for the net. So members and non-members alike will have simplfied access.

We have not experienced any problems with the use of PNW Regional 2 by our Sunday EmComm net and do not expect any issues for this change. If anything, it should help Brandmeister users to learn about PNWDigital and might spark them to explore our repeaters.

Views: 497

Mike - NO7RF

Contact Jenny at 867-5309 or her assistant Mike on Cascades

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mike - NO7RF

    It will move effective 2-2-22 Gathering.

    If a repeater does not support PNWR 2 that you would like to carry it, let us know and we will add it to our repeaters or check with the repeater owner for their approval.

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