Net: SNARS / TG: SNARS1 on TS2 (31328) @ 2000

Map Unavailable

Date(s) - July 16, 2024
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm


This net is carried on PNWDigital timeslot 2 on select repeaters primarily PTT.  SNARS 1 uses TS 1 on their network.

History of the Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society, Inc.

It all began while Larry Oakley was stationed in Adak Island, Alaska where he filed an application for an amateur radio club license. K7UGT was issued on October 17, 1963 and was initially used as the call sign for the first repeater atop Slide Mountain on the 146.94 frequency.

Upon arriving back in Reno, Larry joined the Nevada Amateur Radio Association, W7YN. It did not take long for Larry to realize the club was not a great fit for a 23-year-old from Los Angeles, California. Each time he suggested building VHF dipoles, organizing fox-hunts, building a AM 2 meter repeater and starting classes it all fell on deaf ears. The members were not interested at the time and would at times call “point of order” and stated at times he was had not been a member long enough to have an opinion.

After realizing the current organization was not going to change and adapt to new ideas Larry decided that it was time to start a new organization. The organization was formed on April 1968 and originally tried to file articles of incorporation for  Nevada Amateur Radio Society as the name of the organization. The Nevada Amateur Radio Association of course objected to the name of the organization and was changed to Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society, Inc. The founding members where F. William Rett, III (WA7FBU), Ronald E. Cerveri (WA7EKN), John Reinhold (K7JJS), Ray Bass (presently W7YKN), Robert Dickerson (presently W7VD), Frank Cherne (WA7DUL) and Larry Oakley (presently W7AB).

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