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Sitting in gig harbor trying to hit the parrot talk group on the ruston repeater with an Anytone 878 Plus. Getting a "Repeater Not Found" error message. I feel like I should be well in range. Images of my settings below. Anything obviously wrong?
Channel Settings:
removed link (tried to post dropbox link to picture as I don't see a way to post pics)
Talkgroup Settings:
removed link
Not sure how to post pictures of the channel and talk group settings from the CPS.
Sitting in gig harbor trying to hit the parrot talk group on the ruston repeater with an Anytone 878 Plus. Getting a "Repeater Not Found" error message. I feel like I should be well in range. Images of my settings below. Anything obviously wrong?
Channel Settings:
removed link (tried to post dropbox link to picture as I don't see a way to post pics)
Talkgroup Settings:
removed link
Are you using the community codeplug? If not, download it and compare it to what you have in your codeplug.
Ruston is on the network solidly, but I can't check RF to confirm that the RF side is functioning.
CB Mgr | Location | Status | Duration | Status Time | 1d Events |
1d Uptime |
1w Events |
1w Uptime |
14a | Tacoma WA-Ruston | Online | 3 weeks | Thu 05-12 01:06 | 0 | 100% | 0 | 100% |
2022-05-30 22:39:42 | 2022-06-06 22:39:42 | 7 days |
Mike, NO7RF
@no7rf Good thought. Downloaded both 878II code plugs, checked general setup (bellingham channels are programmed) and everything looks good.
Not sure what the issue is.
Found the "attach file" option below the post. Channel setting attached if you have a minute to check it out
@no7rf Good thought. Downloaded both 878II code plugs, checked general setup (bellingham channels are programmed) and everything looks good.
Not sure what the issue is.
Found the "attach file" option below the post. Channel setting attached if you have a minute to check it out
Found that your channel has 2 issues, TX Permit should be "Same Color Code (Never use "Always" on a PNW repeater) and Parrot should be on TS 1. Look at our codeplug more closely.
Even with the incorrect programming, you should not get a repeater not round if you are within RF range and otherwise, correctly programmed.
Have you used Callwatch for either repeater to see if you are getting into the network correctly?
Mike, NO7RF
Thanks for taking a look. Corrected both issues and same result. I've looked at both bridgewatch and callwatch and can't see myself accessing the network either way.
No problem getting on using the Bellevue repeater earlier today. I guess it's possible I'm not in range but hitting other Tacoma repeaters (further away even) without issue...
@no7rf is it possible to check bridgewatch or callwatch to check if that repeater is "taking traffic"? I'm not familiar with how either works yet.
@no7rf is it possible to check bridgewatch or callwatch to check if that repeater is "taking traffic"? I'm not familiar with how either works yet.
Peerwatch shows that the repeater is on network. The owner said he would check tonight for proper RF. From what I am seeing and from what you are saying, I'd guess that the RF side of the repeater is not working properly.
I am 200 miles away and connot check RF. Maybe some other kind soul in the area would check. You have yet to say if you see your radio on Callwatch when using Bellingham...so I'm not sure you have programmed correctly either.
Mike, NO7RF
I was able to remotely power cycle the repeater. Give it a try.
Mike, NO7RF
@no7rf Sorry about that. I can see myself "on network" when using the bellevue repeater. Radio is setup the same just different frequencies.
I'm back in gig harbor tomorrow and will try it again.
@no7rf Thanks again for all your help here. Decided to drive into Ruston this morning and was able to get the parrot channel working a couple of times. Appears I just can't reach that repeater from gig harbor.
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