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[Sticky] User Considerations when Coming to PNWDigital from the Brandmeister Environment

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Mike - NO7RF
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 84
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There are a few important settings that must be changed to mesh up correctly with the c-Bridge based network that is PNWDigital.

  1. Turn OFF Talker Alias - We don't use it and it muddles up your transmit audio
  2. Set your Tx Permit to Same Color Code - NEVER set it to Always on PNWD repeaters!
    1. If your radio support Transmit Interrupt, please use it for best performance
  3. Set your Group Call Hang Timer to 1 second - Best performance on PNWD
  4. Anytones: Never use Radio Check or Roaming - It doesn't work and gums up the network
  5. Never use Private Call - It is not used on the PNWDigital Network
  6. Enable your Talk Permit Tone for digital - Users need to know when the network sez OK to speak
  7. If you use our APRS Gateway, Keep your reporting to a minimum
    1. If moving and talking once or twice a minute is OK (less is better)
    2. If stationary, 15 minutes or 4 times per hour maximum.

PNWD has a pallet of talkgroups and users may not create or use their own.

We highly recommend that you use our Anytone starter or community codeplugs.  Most Importantly, the setting mentioned above are set correctly (Anytone default settings do not work well) and there are samples or complete zones for our repeaters and hotspot servers that include only the TG's that are valid for that repeater or MMDVM server.

There is more but this will get your out the gate successfully

Mike, NO7RF

Mike - NO7RF
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 84
Topic starter  

Now a web' bedda:

Mike, NO7RF


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