Cotre C001D Cracker Jack Box Prize


The C001D ($13) radios are not recommended endorsed for use on the PNWDigital Network. See the review page for more information.

While they are very low cost, they are especially poor for first time DMR users and should not be considered a primary radio. The user’s DMR experience is likely to be inferior as the radio is not fully compatible with our network and not a good first impression of Ham DMR. Simplex and single slot hotspot use may be OK as well a a glovebox or secondary radio.

More will be written about this line of Cootie Radios as the team tries to make them work will our network features. They may actually make a decent monitor radio as some are finding niche uses that do not require transmit.

But for now, it should be considered an experimental radio and not a primary DMR radio for new DMR users.

Views: 409

Mike - NO7RF

Contact Jenny at 867-5309 or her assistant Mike on Cascades

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. This radio reminds me of that ‘calculator’ digital watch I got back 40+ years ago… it certainly did not replace any of my calculators!
    Having trouble locating the PDFs that you uploaded Mike, Any chance you could post a link? I tried searching using ‘better search’ method.

  2. Mike No7RF

    So added some of his posts (converted to pdf’s) to document under “Cootie”.

    Oh please, no need to say thanks. 🙂

  3. Mike No7RF

    Interestingly, there is a fellow (Jhart99 out of San Diego CA who is secretly: AJ6JA) who does some fine reviews, mods and tip on the Cootie radios, which are rebranded GoCom hardware. If you are an experimenter, you would be interested in his posts on all Cootie models. or

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