Cougar VHF: The installation should be complete by 6-9-22. This
Baldi 220: We have had an issue with a group using the repeater output for their linking of repeaters. It is carrier squelch and DMR is capturing their link at 120 miles away. WWARA sez we should move our repeater to a different repeater pair so that they may intinue to use their link on a repeater output. So 13duplexer must come off the hill for returning and then reinstal and repeater being reprogrammed. Unknown timeframe.
Capitol Peak: A trip was made to try to restore the Internet (DNR Forced HamWAN out) but it was not successful. Will be looking for Internet via local ham group for long term (if DNR allows us to stay) but more likely LTE in some fashion for the short term. Unknown when the next trip will be made (more parts on order).
Dryden Hamfest (weekend of 6-10-22): Repeater should be available on the Poteros Pair and c-Bridge Manager.
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