First Name :BradDMR Radio ID :3020075 and 3020422
First Name :PaulDMR Radio ID :3153252Bio :Paul here, NT4H extra class, US Army combat veteran, 18E trained, SF Communications SGT. Started listening to SWL in the mid 70's. Love the PNW Digital DMR system. My office is in Seattle.
First Name :RichardDMR Radio ID :3153565 3153641Bio :Longtime Ham (1991) Former QTH, Bremerton, WA. Current QTH, Billings, MT. DMR operator since 2017.
First Name :LesDMR Radio ID :3184503Bio :Retired USPS Electronic technician
First Name :ZACHDMR Radio ID :3153204Bio :Amateur Extra Lake Forest Park WA CN87US
First Name :Bryan MartinDMR Radio ID :3171236Bio :Got back into radio a couple years ago.
First Name :JimDMR Radio ID :3191280
First Name :JoshuaDMR Radio ID :3174334Bio :Currently with HARC
First Name :PerryDMR Radio ID :3116899
First Name :ChrisDMR Radio ID :3159733Bio :Member Shoreline ACS
Views: 1562