- Number 1 designates timeslot 1 and Number 2 designates timeslot 2.
- It helpful to know which timeslot you are operating on so 1 and 2 are attached to the Labels. (e.g., “Bridge 2” or “Cascades 1”.)
- This is especially important when a label, such as ‘Washington’, has two different talkgroup ID’s and each ID is assigned to timeslot 1 and timeslot 2.
- Typically assigning one talkgroup to two timeslots, as in “Washington 1” and “Washington 2”, is done to handle a high volume of traffic.
- In general, all Talkgroups on PNWDigtal follow this naming convention. But there are a few that live in a grey area as they were started by other networks and PNW did not originally label them (e.g., “Hawaii 1” is on TS 2, so we list it as “Hawaii 1-2” or “TAC 1” is on timeslot 2 so we list it as “TAC 1-2”).
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