Talkgroups and their Appearances on Each Repeater
Thanks to the work by Marc, KK7LMP, we have a comprehensive network visualization page (newly updated) that brings together the data storehouse and few hardcoded web pages. This Viz page…
Thanks to the work by Marc, KK7LMP, we have a comprehensive network visualization page (newly updated) that brings together the data storehouse and few hardcoded web pages. This Viz page…
In our continuing efforts to support EmComm and public services use of the PNWDigital DMR network, we are developing a more informal implementation using an existing talkgroup (TAC 3) that…
Ever wonder where the talkgroups appear and when on each of our repeaters, MMDVM servers or c-Bridge managers? We do have the Talkgroup Matrices which are grouped by MM or…
Master Control Talkgroups (MCTs) are special non-voice talkgroups on the PNWDigital network that enable you to turn off or turn on all other networked talkgroups on the PNWDigital repeater on which you…
We wrote that ‘all’ talkgroups are controlled by MCTs. This is not exactly the case. There are a few emergency communication and public service talkgroups that are not controlled by…
Full Time talkgroups, also known as ‘static talkgroups’ are always active and transmitting radio traffic. No need to kerchunk a Full Time talkgroup. A Part Time Talkgroup, also known as…
See the Talkgroups Matrix. Find your district and repeater to see the list of talkgroups the repeater carries.