Visitors and Travelers

PNWDigital is an open repeater network. No membership, pre-check-in or other notification need be made while using the repeaters during your visit or travel through the region. For travelers assistance,…

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HKS Network

The HKS c-Bridge network is affiliated with PNWDigital.  This enables users of both networks to share their common talkgroup assets.  HKS is owned by Terence, KE7SFFThe current HKS repeater is…

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Talkgroups – Operationally

Also known as DMR Group Calls, you can talk on them, they can route traffic and control the network activities. Talkgroups are can become more complex quickly. If you wish…

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Talkgroups – Listing

Talkgroups (AKA: group calls) are the linchpins to operating on all Ham DMR repeaters and are created generally to accomplish a specific task organized by purpose but could also be…

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