What is a Networked Talkgroup (TG)?

Networked talkgroups are any TG's that are passed through the c-Bridge controller from one repeater to another. Almost all TG's on PNWDigital are networked, including those from other c-Bridges or…

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A Talkgroup (TG) is simply a name or label that describes a specific voice call over DMR. Also known as a "group call" in the Anytone radios, the TG is…

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Talkgroup Deck

Repeaters and MMDVM servers are programmed with their own set of talkgroups, which comprises the "talkgroup deck". This deck is also matched to the codeplugs that are generated by ACB…

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What Are Full Time & Part Time Talkgroups?

Full Time talkgroups, also known as ‘static talkgroups’ are always active and transmitting radio traffic. No need to kerchunk a Full Time talkgroup. A Part Time Talkgroup, also known as…

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