Deployed Sunday was a VHF repeater in Lind WA and this week, Saint Joe Idaho, a UHF repeater by KB7SIJ
The Lind repeater is low level but with a very large footprint. It uses the pair, 147.4125 -1 Mhz, which also used by Ellensburg, Ephrata and Krell. This 1 pair used along much of I-90 in Eastern Washington and is configured for Ham Roaming of sorts. This arrangement allows for hundreds of miles of DMR coverage along I-90 or much of Eastern Washington without a channel change.
Saint Joe Baldy is the site of the new DMR repeater. This site is about 5,900 ASL
Also after snow melt next year, Raven’s Roost will get a VHF repeater that has both Eastern and Western Washington.
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