If you can’t seem to make headway and need to reach out for the PNWDigital help, then read on. We think that we have a comprehensive online support system in our 3 primary IO groups for almost all the general questions that are typically top of the list for a new DMR user. Everyone absorbs information differently.
We have primarily a text based network of support. You may prefer images, YouTube videos or face to face Elmering. But here for now, we are passing along information on how you may be able to help yourself by using our IO Groups or our Website. In other words this is going to be your guide to self-help. Hopefully this may reduce your frustration starting out in DMR. There is a steep learning ramp for DMR and then operational on our network. We hope that this page along with our IO groups, check-n and tech nets and over the air contacts will help to flatten that curve.
If our website, IO Groups and Over-the-Air conversations have not answered your questions, then please write to the support team at: Support@PNWDigital.Net
Next, Check out these suggested areas below. They are ranked for new users from the top then downward for more experienced DMR users.
- PNWDigital Web – Use the website first to find information about DMR in the Pacific Northwest more generally
- PNWDigital IO Group – Our primary IO group that is general interest and part of our membership
- Other sub-groups more specific are available for “radios, codeplugs” or “MMDVM specific” topics.
- Site Map – Most of your pages are listed here in alphabetical order
- Information – more about PNWDigital and it’s support team.
- Membership – Not a member, want to join us? It is entirely free of costs to members.
- Repeater List – Listing of our repeaters (and MMDVM servers) on a live status page.
- Repeater Map – Visual Map that shows locations and major details about each repeater and server on the network.
- Talkgroups – All about our talkgroups, which to use for hailing only, QSO’s and other specialty functions.
- Bridgewatch – Watch network activity, use it while testing your radio on the Parrot (echo server) or Audio Level Meter.
- Callwatch – Shows active talker & talker history on a c-Bridge, our networking control centers
- Use it to see if you are accessing the network, signal strength and loss rates
- 3 c-Bridges are available; PNW (A), PNW-D and PNW-E
- Radios/Programming/Codeplugs – Our IO group that is specifically for Programming, CPS, Firmware and Codeplugs.
- We support the Anytone DMR radios extensively but other radios may have some support as well.
- Community Codeplugs – PNWD supports the Anytone radios; all repeaters, correct system settings, pleasant tones, APRS analog and digital and more.
- PNWDigital’s Not-a-Net Gathering – Weekly check-in and technical net. every Wednesday at 1900 Local on Talkgroup PNW Regional 2.
- Zoom session by 2015, meeting ID: 916 617 771 88, password: pnwdigital; add your name and call sign for onscreen ID.
- Video Conferencing Support – Either a regular evening scheduled Zoom conference or possibly by request at irregular times.
- Jitsi (PNW – large groups) – No account, no software needed, simple to use..
- Jitsi (PNW – small groups) – uses PNWDigital’s own Jitsi server.
- Zoom – Arguably better than Jitsi for support and features but slightly more complicated to use
- Web access is available without account and software installation. password is: pnwdigital for our meeting (91661777188) When logging in be sure to add your name and call sign so that others know who you are.
- Jitsi (PNW – large groups) – No account, no software needed, simple to use..
- Services – Quick listing of what we provide to the DMR community in the Pacific Northwest.
- Youtube – PNWDigital’s channel; adding content of interest as it is created or available.
- MMDVM Services – Our IO group that supports many MMDVM services for hotspots and other devices.
- Our MMDVM services and how to get the credentials to use a hotspot.
- Coming Soon: An automated credential server for PNWDigital member use only
First Published: September 5, 2021 Last Updated: 2 years ago by Mike – NO7RF
Views: 10856