NET: Cascades Coffee Net – TG: Cascades 1 @ 0800

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Date(s) - April 5, 2024 - April 6, 2024
8:00 am - 9:00 am


Using Talkgroup: Cascades 1, this 3 times weekly morning net has rotating NCS’s and is a modified roundtable net.  Typically weather and travel and coffee minutia are discussed.  In-n-Outs are permitted.


Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (beginning 11-11-19), we have this coffee net 3 times weekly.

Carl, KG7JMI was the original creator of this Wednesday morning coffee net and has elected to allow others now to be the NCS’s for the group.  Since its start in the Spring of 2019, this net has since expanded to include Monday and Friday mornings and now has a fleet of rotating net control stations.

For the repeaters that currently do not have Cascades East enabled full time, 1 hour long Cascade TG PTT timers have been added on request and are now enabled on many of our repeaters and MMDVM servers.

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