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I was looking at Call Watch this morning and saw some talkgroups that I didn't recognize and then when I went to check this site for information I found one but not the other and then found a third in the matrix listing.
The talkgroups I found are: Mazama 1 (that I didn't find listed on the site) / RACOM ARC 2 (that is listed with # and explanation but not in the matrix that I've found) / SAR-WV 2 (in the matrix but not the list or explanation.
Anyone have info to share or updates on the site on these?
Dale, N7KLT
Mazama is my family TG (unpublished), RACOM is RACOM ARC talkgroup for Rod, KC7AAD and his guys and SAR-WV is SAR for Willamette Valley OR, just created this week for the SRA repeater and one of Loren's repeaters (House).
The docs haven't quite caught up to the efforts to gets things listed in TG's, Picker and Matrix.
Mike, NO7RF
Well, that explains that. LOL
I just saw the two of them on Call Watch this morning and was wondering. Was trying to figure out what repeaters I am going to have to add channels to. At least it will only be one channel to a few repeaters to add the RACOM ARC talkgroup.
Thanks Mike!
Dale, N7KLT
@no7rf Hi Mike.
Just wondering, again.
RACOM ARC talkgroup says that it has "BM connectivity" but, I'm not finding it listed on BM.
Was it removed or renamed?
I had it listed as a static TG while my hotspot is connected to BM at home.
Thanks for everything!
Dale, N7KLT
As far as I know, it is a valid TG, certainly on the PNWDigital site in Eastern WA. BM gave us a feed for it upon request for use as it had activity in an other State. I don't use it, in fact it is almost never used nor has it been active but for single events.
As a specialty TG, I wouldn't worry about it or its use, its quiet and has no impact on the network.
Mike, NO7RF
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