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To report a problem (system, repeater, server, etc), please add a topic in: /system-trouble-reporting/
Got a report from Barry today that Sequim is off network, repeater does kerchunk.
So creating the report here...somewhat as a test of the function of using the forum for reporting, a ticketing system option as it were.
It is a sticky topic to keep it at the top until the problem is solved, topic closed or other action takes place.
Mike, NO7RF
I did a power cycle of the repeater and it came back on network
Barry, GSG advised and thanked for the report.
Marking this solved, but not closing or removing the sticky as yet, again a test for the pseudo-ticketing approach...Mike, NO7RF
Mike, NO7RF
The Sticky looks nice, keeps a current trouble report at the top of the category. So now unsticky'ing and closing the topic.
It will remain here for historical and training value. 😀
Mike, NO7RF
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