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PNWDigital MMDVM and Servers Assignment and Information
revised: 2-20-21 no7rf, posted in Admin's Forum 4-19-22
c-Bridge / ID Radio ID Peer Device Notes
------------- -------- ----------- ------------------------
PNW-D / m40d 14315379 MMDVM NCS Peer first in the series
PNW D / m40d 14315380 spare for m40d
Current Peer Devices not using the new scheme - Change assignment in time
c-Bridge / ID Curr RID New RID Peer Device Notes
------------- -------- ------- ----------- -----
PNW-A / m47a 3153999 11315393 SMS-APRS-TS1-KF7EEL c-Bridge loop or independents
PNW-A / m47a 11315394 spare
PNW-D / m25d 311873 14315349 RexX
PNW-D / m25d 14315350 spare
PNW-D / m26d 4315387 14315351 Parrot TS1
PNW-D / m26d
PNW-D / m27d 14315353 spare, no current Wes East
PNW-D / m27d (pnw-b) 14315354 Wes (West) currently on PNW-B as: 1315384
PNW-D / m39d 4315352 14315377 VU Meter W7NCX
PNW-D / m39d 14315378 spare
PNW-D / m40d 4315386 14315379 MM-NCS-W7NCX Net Control Operators access only
PNW-D / m40d 14315380 spare
PNW-D / m42d (pnw-b) 14315383 Peter currently on PNW-B as: 1315381
PNW-D / m42d 14315383 spare
PNW-D / m43d 4315399 14315385 SMS-APRS-TS1-KF7EEL c-Bridge loop or independents
PNW-D / m43d 14315386 spare
PNW-D / m47d 310587 14314193 Otis
PNW-D / m47d 14314194 spare
PNW D / m49d 4315373 14315397 Bridget East
PNW D / m49d 4315383 14315398 Bridget West
PNW D / m50d 4315380 14315399 Suzy East
PNW D / m50d 4315300 14315300 Suzy West
------------ ------- -------- ------------------- ------------
PNW-E / m49e 3153999 15315397 SMS-APRS-TS1-KF7EEL c-Bridge loop or independants
PNW-E / m49e 15315398
The theory behind the RID schemes:
We have at our disposal up to 16777215 as our maximum available RID's per the c-Bridge limitation.
We currently are using a mish mash of 7 digit RID's type of scheme.
We are currently using the leading digits of 1, 4 or 5 plus the 4 digit state ID plus 2 digits for assignments.
PNW-A is 1, PNW-D is 4, PNW-E is 5 // 0 is reserved for system, 3 and 6 are reserved for c-Bridge expansion.
Example 4 3153 yy indicates a device on PNW-D, server in Washington and 2 digits for that managers assignment.
The new scheme proposes 8 digits, a leading 1, then 1-6 for the c-Bridge, 4 for the state and 2 variable digits
Example: 1 4 3153 yy (143153yy) which would be PNW-D, server in WA and 2 variable assignments.
The leading 1 does not change leaving 0-7 as the second digits for c-Bridge assignments and less than 16777214.
10 could be system devices not associated with any c-Bridge
11, 14 and 15 which we currently have c-Bridges in use.
12 is the old PNW-B currently about to shed it's last peers and be relicensed for secondary uses
12 could be the old PNW-B about to go away and be relicensed as something for a different use.
13 would be the next c-Bride we add to the network
16 would be the next c-Bridge in order
17 would be the last c-Bridge we could add in this scheme and not likely we would ever get there.
End of file...
Mike, NO7RF
Views: 1536294