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Where is all the DMR Traffic? The Friendly Repeater...or there's a lot of listenin' goin' on here...Why is everyone listening but not responding to me?
Many of our talkgroups are on PTT, meaning they are part time or normally "off". A kerchunk or quick PTT will enable them for a short period of time, typically 15 minutes unless kept active by a local user.
But asside for the status of a talkgroup, it may be more a question asked from time to time that seems to have a story worth exploring. Long story short, we all need to make an effort to engage when someone throws out the call without expressly asking for a QSO, radio check or something specific.
This page was created about 5 years ago over on the DCI website, it is still appropriate today. For all the dollars tied up in our network and network of repeaters, seems it takes a check-in net to generate activity. Take a read through this thoughtful page about our quiet repeaters. <The Friendly Repeater>
Mike, NO7RF
Too many other nets & things to do..haha. For myself, I monitor I-5 and Oregon 1; esp the happy hour net.
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