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I just signed up. I'm sporting an Anytone 878UVII+ and I'm a bit overwhelmed with the layers of complexity involved with programming DMR code plugs. I can either use enormous Cps with nomenclatures that I don't follow or try build my own and miss some obscure step.
Well, seeing that I relish the headaches that come with this kind of project all I can say bring it on!
Greetings to all! Name's Pace, just trying to soak up as much as I can regarding DMR in general and specifically local DMR. Was originally looking at Yaesu Fusion stuff, but after both of our FT-1DR's died... I got turned off of it pretty quickly, proprietary codecs etc not withstanding.
Right now I am looking pretty hard at the Anytone radios. While I would like the weatherproofed Motorola solutions out there specifically for my motorcycle mobile use-case, when I can buy another motorcycle for what they want for a radio... I'm good.
I also want APRS functionality as a combination ride tracking and "ghetto lojack" for the bike, because Portland.
I look forward to learning more about the system and hopefully providing some manner of help with upkeep of the network, even if it's simply taking some rides to get within range of less-utilized repeaters or carrying heavy things as necessary!
Pace - KL2BY
Greetings, I just signed up
My name is Ed and I live in North Central WA.
I'm very new to DMR and looking forward to learning more about the DMR system. I just got a Anytone 878UVII+ that I'm trying to get set-up...
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