Callwatch shows the traffic across the primary 4 c-Bridges. Peerwatch shows you the repeater status and its activity on each manager. Bridgewatch shows a pie chart of talkgroup activity. All 4 can be very useful for monitoring, especially during nets or special events. PNW-S is our Hot-Spare
PNWDigital c-Bridge Callwatch Pages
PNW | pnw-a.pnwdigital.net:42420 | Located in Bremerton, serving repeaters in Washington, West of the Cascades and the Western MMDVM servers |
PNW-D | pnw-d.pnwdigital.net:42420 | Located in Kennewick, serving repeaters in Southeastern Washington, most of Oregon and Utah as well as Parrot, East MMDVM and other specialty servers |
PNW-E | pnw-e.pnwdigital.net:42420 | Located in Spokane, serving many repeaters in Eastern Washington East and Western Idaho |
PNW-S | pnw-s.pnwdigital.net:42420 | This c-Bridge is our first effort to diversify or move away from geographically clustering of repeaters. Repeaters from any of our regions may appear here. New repeaters are likely to reside here as we work to balance the repeater load across all the c-Bridges. <More Info> |
How it Works
Callwatch: “c-Bridges” (our conference cridging devices) has a features known as CallWatch. c-Bridges are computers configured as talkgroup servers and they manage everything that cross into, through and out of, the PNWDigital network.
We maintain 4 primary c-Bridges and manage traffic and loading relatively equally. Outside talkgroups come from 3 primary sources; Brandmeister, DMR-MARC and other c-Bridges. All 4 c-Bridges have incoming talkgroups so that the load is more balanced and any potential failures can minimize the overall impact when a third of our networking recourses go off-line.
By selective use of Callwatch, you may search for a single talkgroup, repeater, MMDVM server, a user by call sign or name, a city, town or state, a c-Bridge, etc. Whatever you wish filter that can appear in Callwatch, is filterable or searchable.
CallWatch typically holds 1,500 call records. Much of the traffic in our call history is from talkgroups not native to PNWDigital. There are 2 available filters, Accept text and Reject text that may be used to reduce the clutter in the call history. The use of these filters can be effective to favor PNWDigital, affiliated networks or conversely to other networks that may be of interest. Both filters may be used simultaneously as well as with multiple text entries via piping.
Specialized Sample URL’s to Filter Callwatch’s Call History
Below are samples to show the syntax to use for the dynamic features of CallWatch and Bridgewatch
Pipes may be used to stack-up additional accepted or rejected traffic as shown in the above table. A pipe is the vertical bar, typically a shifted backslash on most keyboards. Some browsers may not accept or stack up the pipes correctly. You may substitute : %7C for the pipe symbol. While you are at it, use: %20 rather than a space just to be safe.
Any characters that you see appear in Callwatch can be used for the filter including the pipe character to string text together for filters, including the space. The characters are case sensitive.
You may create your own URL’s, save them as favorites and easily customize your traffic history.

Peerwatch shows you the repeaters on each c-Bridge as well as their health and activity, if any.
The colored horizonal and vertical bars indicate status and activity:
- Yellow highlights indicate that a repeater has an internet issue which may effect its network ability
- Green is talkgroup voice activity on and from, that repeater
- Red is talkgroup destination activity to the repeater
- Top color bar denotes timeslot 1 voice activity
- Bottom color bar denotes timeslot 2 voice activity
- Data activity is green and red also. They appear very briefly as data is very quick compared to voice packets
- Left vertical bar is data on timeslot 1
- Right vertical bar is data on timeslot 2
Bridgewatch, created by Ben K7DMG, also uses the same piping options as Callwatch. Additionally, Bridgewatch will allow selection of repeaters to further specify showing only valid talkgroups. One click will clear all the filters that may have been enabled. Some members may prefer Bridgewatch over Callwatch due to the visual graphics, with or without the filtering options.

First Published: September 18, 2021 Last Updated: 8 months ago by Mike – NO7RF
Views: 10137