PNWDigital.Net is a DMR radio and IP network consisting of Amateur Radio repeaters that are independently owned, operated and linked by way of public and private IP transport networks. PNWDigital.Net reserves the right to, at any time, make changes, with or without notice to enhance or restrict repeater access/hosting, data, talkgroup or user access. PNWDigital.Net also reserves the right to remove your access or block your use of the groups or use by any of your users on or through the PNWDigital.Net networks, at any time, with or without notice.
This “Terms of Service” is a condition of use by the users of the PNWDigital.Net network of repeaters, Multi-Mode Digital Voice Modem Servers, equipment and resources so that independent repeater owners or their trustees and/or c-Bridge owner(s) or their administrator(s) may enable/disable transport of repeater traffic and user access. PNWDigital.Net operates its network c-Bridge(s), as PNW, PNW-B, PNW-D and other c-Bridges with control center names beginning with “PNW-“
This Terms of Service page shows the date of the most recent change at the bottom of this page. We encourage you to read our companion page: Privacy Policy also.
No contract of service is implied or created between the repeater owners and users of the repeaters, MMDVM Servers or PNWDigital.Net network. The repeater owners may discontinue their repeater(s) & MMDVM Server operation(s), and/or discontinue the PNWDigital network service at any time.
PNWDigital.Net membership is considered active and in good standing when a member is 1) registered with our primary IO group:, 2) with a valid call sign assigned to that person, 3) a valid Email associated to that person and 4) a valid Radio ID associated to that call sign and person. PNWDigital.Net uses our IO group and direct Email to contact our members when issues with operation on our network surface. Members are expected to maintain a valid Email address and to respond timely to any “System” or Administrative Email in order to remain a member in good standing. Operation on PNWDigital.Net which causes technical issues adverse to the network operation are expected to be corrected quickly and any Email notifications must be acknowledged as to receipt and any remedial steps taken to correct that adverse operations.
PNWDigital.Net is not a public utility nor a common carrier. PNWDigital.Net is a private Amateur Radio network and is an association of private Amateur Radio repeaters which allow use by most licensed Amateur Radio Operators under a not-for-profit and public benefit environment, subject to control or restriction by individual and independent repeater owners or their trustees when using their repeaters and/or c-Bridge owners or their administrators who may enable/disable transport of repeater traffic and user access.
PNWDigital.Net repeater owners and users must use a valid repeater ID and all users must use a valid radio ID issued by and assigned to them for that purpose. All name, call sign, city and state information provided to and PNWDigital.Net must be valid and accurate as it is used for membership basis and access to the repeater network and Any changes to the information provided, must be updated in your account to PNWDigital.Net via Email to:
Users of PNWDigital.Net repeaters, MMDVM and/or network servers must register for membership at The membership information must include the users name, call sign, valid radio ID number issued by, city/state of residence and Email address. Active members of are considered active members of PNWDigital.Net. Additional Terms of Use for use of MMDVM server are at:
Use of Analog, FM, crosslinks to or through our repeaters or MMDVM servers is prohibited. Services such as Asterisk, Echolink or other analog liniking or cross-links services passed through our network is prohibited. Digital liking through network is generally prohibited and written permission is required from PNWDigital prior to any traffic being passed through out network. This includes any use on “local” talkgroups. Use of transcoding (Fusion, DSTAR, etc) through our network is restricted. We prefer it not be done but if one must, then it is to be short term, experimental or emergency use only.
Encryption is not permitted by repeater owners or users; you will be most certainly be blocked from our networks and your radio ID’s blocked from the PNWDigital.Net with or without notice. Any use of “Private Call”, unsanctioned or custom talkgroups or data services is forbidden without the express approval of the repeater owner with written notice and written concurrence with PNWDigital.Net.
POLITICS and RELIGON are subjects generally to be avoided when mixed with Ham Radio. These can be very polarizing topics and tend to cause hard feelings or discomfort when discussed over the air and heard by random listeners. Please avoid those subjects please. While we recognize there may be instances where those subjects may come up at random times, we do not want any routine discussions, certainly when not of a random nature. We do not want any activities that directly target those subjects in any over the air contacts. If this does occur, we always reserve the right to deal with it mildly resort to removing membership and blocking violators activity over the network.
Use of PNWDigital repeaters and Network services is prohibited by political or religious, antigovernmental, extreme or violent groups o organizations, including terrorist organizations, violent extremist groups, or individuals who affiliate with and promote their extreme or illicit activities.
Your use or continued use of any repeater connected to the PNWDigital.Net networks, any of the PNWDigital.Net MMDVM servers or any of our other transport networks directly or indirectly, this website or any group infers no right to any continued use of any repeaters, MMDVM servers, transport networks and/or groups. Access to any of PNWDigital.Net radio (RF) and/or network assets or any groups may be withdrawn at any time for any reason without notice or recourse to you as a repeater owner/administrator, any or all of your users or any regular PNWDigital.Net users.
Systems and services of PNWDigital.Net are capable of collecting data about connected systems and user activity. This information is not shared outside of our system, and may be used for security and statistical purposes as well as future system development in regards to betterment of the PNWDigital.Net System as a whole.
The written Terms of Service may change at any time, with or without notice. You should return to this page every 30 days and re-read the contents of this page.
PLAIN ENGLISH: What this means in Ham parlance: If you play in our sandbox:
- then you must follow our rules
- you must play nicely
- get along with others
- then you may use our stuff
- if you can’t abide by our terms of service, then you cannot use our stuff.
- then you may use our stuff
End of PNWDigital.Net’s Terms of Service
First Published: February 4, 2022 Last Updated: 3 years ago by Mike – NO7RF
Views: 1311