Parrot – Echo Service

Our "Parrot" echos back your audio on the Parrot talkgroup as well as your levels appear on the Audio Meter. This combination enables fairly good audio settings in a user…

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Best Practices

Most Washington repeater owners support PNWDigital.Net's "Best Practices" policy and will work together to insure the best operation across all our networked assets.  It is our hope that users embrace…

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Terms of Service —

PNWDIGITAL.NET TERMS OF SERVICE PNWDigital.Net is a DMR radio and IP network consisting of Amateur Radio repeaters that are independently owned, operated and linked by way of public and private IP transport…

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About PNWDigital

Repeaters, MMDVM and Services for DMR in the Pacific Northwest What is Digital Mobile Radio (DMR)? What does PNWDigital offer? What is our technology (in brief) Who are we? When…

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